
Cheap ways to keep kids entertained during school holidays

Cheap ways to keep kids entertained during school holidays

School holidays can be both exciting and daunting for parents, especially when you are on a budget. Keeping your kids entertained without breaking the bank can be challenging, but it is possible. Here are some cheap ways to keep your kids entertained during school holidays.

  1. Go on a nature walk or hike: You don’t need to go far to enjoy nature. Take your kids on a nature walk or hike in your local park or nature reserve. This can be a great opportunity to teach your kids about the environment and the different plants and animals that live in it.
  2. Have a movie day: Choose a few movies that your kids have been wanting to watch and have a movie day. You can create a fun atmosphere by making popcorn, setting up a cozy area with pillows and blankets, and dimming the lights.
  3. Bake together: Baking can be a fun and educational activity for kids. You can teach your kids about measuring, following instructions, and kitchen safety while also creating delicious treats. You can also decorate the baked goods to make them even more fun.
  4. Create a scavenger hunt: Create a scavenger hunt around your house or neighborhood. You can make it educational by asking your kids to find specific items or make it more fun by adding clues and riddles.
  5. Play board games: Board games are a great way to spend time as a family and keep your kids entertained. You can either play games that you already own or make your own games using materials you have at home.
  6. Visit a local library: Most libraries offer free activities and events during school holidays. You can check out books, attend storytime sessions, or participate in arts and crafts activities.
  7. Have a picnic: Pack a lunch and head to a local park for a picnic. Your kids can enjoy the outdoors while you relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
  8. Visit a museum: Many museums offer free entry for children, and some have discounted rates during school holidays. This can be a great opportunity to learn about history, science, and art.
  9. Make art: Art can be a fun and relaxing activity for kids. You can use materials that you have at home or buy cheap supplies from a craft store. You can also find art tutorials on YouTube or Pinterest to help inspire your kids.
  10. Visit a local farm: Visiting a local farm can be a fun and educational experience for kids. They can learn about different animals and crops while enjoying the outdoors.

There are many cheap ways to keep your kids entertained during school holidays. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to create fun and educational experiences for your kids. By using your creativity and resources, you can make the school holidays a memorable time for your family.